A round table discussion was organized at CISS Premises with a team of experts of the Stimson Center comprising of Michael Krepon, Jousha White and Shane Mason on November 20, 2014, in Islamabad. The objective was to hold a discussion on important developments regarding South Asia. The discussion also focused on escalation dynamics and potential crisis dynamics in the Pakistan – India context.
Questions that were discussed were: why Pakistan’s security concerns were growing? What are the coming challenges in nuclear competition? What might be in store for India-Pakistan relations given the posture of Modi government vis a vis Pakistan and future of US-Pakistan relations? The underlying assumption from US and Pakistani perspectives in answering these questions were deliberated upon discussion focused on the underlying assumptions about US –Pakistan relations, the future of Pakistan-India relations and the future of nuclear competition. Broader discussion of regional security, including Afghanistan and Iran also came under discussion during the round table.
The round table was attended by scholars, academics, Foreign Office officials, practitioners of policy and students of various universities of Islamabad. The Stimson team leader and co founder of the Stimson Center, Mr. Michael Krepon, paid rich tribute to CISS work, and remarked that the Center had made its mark in the think tank community by its remarkable achievement in a short span of time.